Beneath the Green: A critical look at the cost of industrial cobalt mining in the DRC
Briefing Paper: Barrick’s Tanzania Gold Mine One of the Deadliest in Africa
Briefing Paper: Police Violence at the North Mara Gold Mine
The Road to Ruin? Electric vehicles and workers’ rights abuses at DR Congo’s industrial cobalt mines
Powering Change: Principles in the Battery Value Chain
The Deadly Cost of ‘Ethical’ Diamonds: Human Rights Abuses at Petra Diamonds’ Tanzanian Mine
OECD Complaint Against Glencore’s Operations in Chad to the UK NCP
Glencore’s Oil Operations in Chad: Local Residents Injured and Ignored
Congo’s Victims of Corruption
IFC’s Ill-judged Investments in DRC Mines: Why has IFC abandoned Congo’s victims of corruption?
“Bribery in its Purest Form”: Och-Ziff, asset laundering and the London connection
Principles Without Justice: The corporate takeover of human rights
Broken Bones & Broken Promises: Barrick’s North Mara Mine Fails to Address Ongoing Violence (2015)
Privatized Remedy and Human Rights: Re-thinking Project-Level Grievance Mechanisms
Full OECD complaint against G4S Australia by RAID and Human Rights Law Centre
PR or Progress? Full Report on Glencore’s Corporate Responsibility in DRC
Full Report: Och-Ziff, Mugabe’s “Bagmen” and the Underpricing of African Assets
Fifteen Years of Achievement at RAID
Full Briefing: Sanctions, Violence, Pensions and Zimbabwe
Briefing Paper: Demolitions at Kawama, DRC
Asset Laundering and AIM: Congo, corporate misconduct and the market value of human rights
Questions of Compliance: The Conduct of the CAMEC and Seymour Pierce Limited
RAID Summary Review: 2007-2009
Chinese mining operations in Katanga, DRC
Fit for Purpose? A Review of the UK National Contact Point (NCP)
Key Mining Contracts in Katanga: The economic argument for renegotiation
RAID Progress Summary: 2005-2006
Kilwa: A Year after the Massacre of October 2004
Anvil Mining Limited and the Kilwa Incident: Unanswered Questions
Unanswered Questions: Companies, Conflict and the DRC
Zambia: Deregulation and the denial of human rights