Tag Archives: north mara

Broken Bones & Broken Promises: Barrick’s North Mara Mine Fails to Address Ongoing Violence (2015)

Broken Bones & Broken Promises: Barrick’s North Mara Mine Fails to Address Ongoing Violence (2015)

A second human rights field assessment at Barrick Gold’s Tanzania subsidiary, Acacia Mining (formerly African Barrick Gold), calls into question commitments made by the company to stop excessive use of force by mine security and police guarding the mine. Interviews conducted by MiningWatch Canada and the British NGO Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID) also

Executive Summary: Principles Without Justice

Summary and Recommendations from Principles without justice – the corporate takeover of human rights. The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, have allowed companies to privatise and control the implementation of human rights.

Out-of-court settlement good for some Tanzanians, but many hindered from participation by Barrick’s grievance mechanism (2015)

RAID and MiningWatch Canada recognise the significance of the settlement of a legal case alleging that African Barrick Gold (now Acacia Mining) was liable for human rights abuses, including killings, at its North Mara mine in Tanzania. However, the NGOs are concerned that many victims were denied justice because they participated in the mine’s flawed