Tag Archives: DRC

OECD complaint filed against ENRC regarding DRC mining communities

Press Release OECD complaint filed against Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation (ENRC) regarding DRC mining communities A complaint has been brought by Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID), a human rights organisation, concerning mining assets controlled by companies associated with ENRC in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The complaint under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational

Briefing Paper: Demolitions at Kawama, DRC

The Non-Governmental Organisations RAID, ACIDH and FIDH have supported the efforts of the residents of Kawama, a village on the outskirts of Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), to seek compensation for their homes, which were demolished in an operation undertaken in 2009 by the Congolese police and the Compagnie Minière du Sud

La quête de justice de victimes congolaises à l’encontre d’une compagnie canadienne se rend en Cour suprême

Communiqué de Presse L’Association canadienne contre l’impunité (ACCI) s’est adressée aujourd’hui à la Cour suprême du Canada au nom de familles congolaises. Les familles veulent faire renverser une décision de la Cour d’appel du Québec qui a refusé d’entendre une cause portant sur les violations des droits humains perpétrées par la compagnie canadienne Anvil Mining