Tag Archives: DRC

Recherche confirme abus repandus des entreprises minieres chinoises en RDC

Communiqué de presse ONG alerte des risques de répercussions Un rapport – Les Entreprises Minières Chinoises au Katanga –, la première étude de ce genre, publié aujourd’hui, (Mardi 29 Septembre 2009) par Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID), présente un portrait des conditions de travail dans les entreprises chinoises au Katanga, en République Démocratique du

Résumé Exécutif: Les Entreprises Minières Chinoises au Katanga République Démocratique du Congo

Résumé Exécutif Ce rapport, le premier du genre, offre un portrait des conditions de travail dans les entreprises Chinoises opérant au Katanga. Il présente de manière synthétique les opinions, expériences, inquiétudes et recommandations des travailleurs chinois et congolais interviewés. Le rapport est basé sur un sondage sur les conditions de travail dans les entreprises privées

Executive Summary: Chinese mining operations in Katanga, DRC

Executive Summary This report, the first of its kind, provides a snapshot of working conditions in Katanga in Chinese-run enterprises. It synthesizes the views, experiences, concerns and recommendations of Chinese and Congolese workers interviewed. The report is based on a survey carried out in 2008 by Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID) into working conditions

Chinese mining operations in Katanga, DRC

Full Report This report, the first of its kind, provides a snapshot of working conditions in Katanga in Chinese-run enterprises. It synthesizes the views, experiences, concerns and recommendations of Chinese and Congolese workers interviewed. The report is based on a survey carried out in 2008 by RAID into working conditions in Chinese private mining companies

Katanga Briefing: Threats Against Human Rights Activists

Briefing Conviction of Golden Misabiko, and threats against four other human rights activists – a signal that the mining interests of the DRC’s political and military establishment are “off limits” Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID), which closely monitors human rights in the Congolese mining sector, expressed its profound concern about the conviction of Golden

Memorandum of Evidence to the Joint Committee on Human Rights

Memorandum of evidence to the UK Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights Rights & Accountability in Development (RAID) welcomes this opportunity for presenting written evidence to the Committee. This memorandum contains four sections: the first addresses gaps in the Protect, Respect and Remedy Framework; the second looks at weaknesses in the regulation of London’s secondary

Les informations distillées au compte-gouttes et les tractations douteuses affaiblissent le processus de revisitation des contrats miniers

Communiqué de Presse Les informations distillées au compte-gouttes et les tractations douteuses affaiblissent le processus de revisitation des contrats miniers. À la veille du commencement des renégociations promises des contrats miniers en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) congolaises et internationales appellent aujourd’hui le gouvernement de la RDC à rompre le