Tag Archives: Dan Gertler

Executive Summary: Asset Laundering and AIM

Executive Summary Asset Laundering and AIM: Congo, corporate misconduct and the market value of human rights This report sets out the history of CAMEC’s listing on the London Stock Exchange’s Alternative Investment Market (AIM) in the context of the unresolved legacy of the wartime mining contracts awarded by the government of the Democratic Republic of

Le blanchiment des avoirs et l’AIM : le Congo, le comportement répréhensible des entreprises et la valeur marchande des droits de l’homme

Résumé Le présent rapport retrace l’historique de l’inscription de CAMEC à l’Alternative Investment Market (AIM) de la Bourse de Londres avec pour toile de fond la question non résolue des contrats miniers octroyés en temps de guerre par le gouvernement de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Le secteur lucratif des minerais de la RDC

The London Stock Exchange – A haven for laundered conflict assets?

Press Release In a report released today, Asset laundering and AIM: Congo, corporate misconduct and the market value of human rights, the business and human rights organisation Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID) catalogues the inadequacies of the London Stock Exchange’s regulatory framework. The Central African Mining and Exploration Company plc (CAMEC) was allowed to

Memorandum relating to the trading in shares of CAMEC

Memorandum to HM Treasury Asset Freezing Unit (AFU) with cover letter Re: Memorandum relating to the trading in shares of the Central African Mining and Exploration Company plc (CAMEC) controlled by designated persons Rights & Accountability in Development (RAID) has recently made a submission to the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) Regulation team on the conduct