Publications de RAID en français

Voici les notifications de presse en français. Les rapports de RAID publièe en français.

Briefing one year after the Kilwa massacre (French)

Legal update no. 1 on the Kilwa trial at the military court in Katanga (French)

Legal update no. 2 on the Kilwa trial at the military court in Katanga (French)

Chronology and critique of the Kilwa massacre investigation and trial, October 2004–July 2007 (French)

Fully referenced timeline of key events surrounding the Kilwa massacre, 1998–2010 (French)

Eyewitness testimony from Kilwa survivors (French)


Appeal to President Kabila about interference with the prosecutor in the Kilwa massacre trial (French)

Letter to DRC President Kabila about intimidation and threats against Congolese human rights activist Hubert Tshiswaka Masoka (French)

Letter from ACIDH Executive Director to President of DRC and others expressing concerns over mining contracts and requesting review (French)…

Letter from 14 Congolese NGOs expressing concern about World Bank financing for Anvil Mining’s Dikulushi project (French)