“Pillage des ressources naturelles de la RDC : les contrats miniers signés par le gouvernement actuel doivent être ré-éxaminés”
Category Archives: Statement
Briefing paper on the Confidentiality Principle, Transparency and the Specific Instance procedure under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
Briefing paper on the Confidentiality Principle, Transparency and the Specific Instance procedure under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
“Group Calls on World Bank to Investigate Mining Contracts; Bank’s Failed Reform Project in DR Congo”
“Group Calls on World Bank to Investigate Mining Contracts; Bank’s Failed Reform Project in DR Congo”
“R.D. Congo: mettre fin à l’exploitation illégale des ressources naturelles. Le gouvernement doit agir sur la base des recommandations de la commission parlementaire”
“DR Congo: End Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources. Government must act on Parliamentary Commission’s Recommendations”
“R.D. Congo: mettre fin à l’exploitation illégale des ressources naturelles. Le gouvernement doit agir sur la base des recommandations de la commission parlementaire”
“DR Congo: End Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources. Government must act on Parliamentary Commission’s Recommendations”
Professional evaluation of the joint venture contract between Gécamines and Kinross Forrest Limited, and comparison with standard terms for similar contracts