Category Archives: Statement

Executive Summary: Chinese mining operations in Katanga, DRC

Executive Summary This report, the first of its kind, provides a snapshot of working conditions in Katanga in Chinese-run enterprises. It synthesizes the views, experiences, concerns and recommendations of Chinese and Congolese workers interviewed. The report is based on a survey carried out in 2008 by Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID) into working conditions

Katanga Briefing: Threats Against Human Rights Activists

Briefing Conviction of Golden Misabiko, and threats against four other human rights activists – a signal that the mining interests of the DRC’s political and military establishment are “off limits” Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID), which closely monitors human rights in the Congolese mining sector, expressed its profound concern about the conviction of Golden

Memorandum of Evidence to the Joint Committee on Human Rights

Memorandum of evidence to the UK Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights Rights & Accountability in Development (RAID) welcomes this opportunity for presenting written evidence to the Committee. This memorandum contains four sections: the first addresses gaps in the Protect, Respect and Remedy Framework; the second looks at weaknesses in the regulation of London’s secondary

Greater Controls Needed to Curb Corporate Abuse

Press Release Against the backdrop of the global financial crisis, UK civil society groups and the Trades Union Congress (TUC) are calling for tighter regulation of companies and financial institutions in a new report, Fit for Purpose? A Review of the UK National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises 2008, released

Les informations distillées au compte-gouttes et les tractations douteuses affaiblissent le processus de revisitation des contrats miniers

Communiqué de Presse Les informations distillées au compte-gouttes et les tractations douteuses affaiblissent le processus de revisitation des contrats miniers. À la veille du commencement des renégociations promises des contrats miniers en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) congolaises et internationales appellent aujourd’hui le gouvernement de la RDC à rompre le

The Kilwa Appeal – A Travesty of Justice

Briefing RAID and Global Witness The Kilwa trial, which opened before a military court in December 2006, concerned a massacre in October 2004 in which at least 73 civilians were killed by soldiers of the 62nd Brigade of the Congolese Armed Forces, with logistical support from the Australian/Canadian mining company, Anvil Mining. Anvil Mining has

Des défenseurs des droits de l’homme sont empêchés de rencontrer les victimes du massacre de Kilwa

Communiqué de presse Le gouverneur du Katanga défend aux militants de prendre un avion pour Kilwa ACIDH, ASADHO, Global Witness et RAID condamnent aujourd’hui la tactique flagrante des autorités gouvernementales du Katanga visant à empêcher des défenseurs des droits de l’homme congolais de poursuivre le travail légitime qu’ils mènent dans le secteur des droits de

Publication of Congo mining contract review welcome; renegotiations should be fair and transparent

Press Release Congolese and international non-governmental organisations today welcomed the publication of the review of mining contracts by the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and called on the government to ensure that the renegotiation of contracts is conducted openly and fairly. The NGOs expressed concern about the lack of clarity surrounding the