Category Archives: Statement

Centerra Gold Inc. Flouting Mongolia’s Environmental Protection Laws

Press Release Organizations File Complaint with Canadian Government A consortium of Canadian and Mongolian organisations has filed a complaint with the Canadian government over apparent violations of Mongolian law and international corporate responsibility guidelines by Centerra Gold Inc. in its Mongolian operations. MiningWatch Canada and its Mongolian partners, the United Mongolian Movement of Rivers and

Des victimes congolaises du massacre de Kilwa réclament justice à la Cour suprême du Canada

L’Association canadienne contre l’impunité (ACCI), a exprimé sa profonde déception suite à la décision prise la semaine dernière par la Cour d’appel du Québec rejetant la décision de la Cour Supérieure du Québec dans la cause qui l’opposait à Anvil Mining. Tout en reconnaissant les difficultés rencontrées par les victimes dans leur tentative pour obtenir

Memorandum relating to the trading in shares of CAMEC

Memorandum to HM Treasury Asset Freezing Unit (AFU) with cover letter Re: Memorandum relating to the trading in shares of the Central African Mining and Exploration Company plc (CAMEC) controlled by designated persons Rights & Accountability in Development (RAID) has recently made a submission to the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) Regulation team on the conduct