Category Archives: Report

UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (GPs) were introduced in 2011 and endorsed by the UN Human Rights Council. They state explicitly that the responsibility of business enterprises to respect human rights applies to all enterprises regardless of their size, sector, operational context, ownership and structure. However, the GPs rely on self-policing by business.

Broken Bones & Broken Promises: Barrick’s North Mara Mine Fails to Address Ongoing Violence (2015)

Broken Bones & Broken Promises: Barrick’s North Mara Mine Fails to Address Ongoing Violence (2015)

A second human rights field assessment at Barrick Gold’s Tanzania subsidiary, Acacia Mining (formerly African Barrick Gold), calls into question commitments made by the company to stop excessive use of force by mine security and police guarding the mine. Interviews conducted by MiningWatch Canada and the British NGO Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID) also

Glencore in Katanga, DRC

A joint NGO report by RAID, Bread for All and Fastenopfer accuses the Anglo-Swiss mining company Glencore of serious human rights abuses in Katanga Province, DRC. The local water supply is contaminated by industrial effluent; impoverished communities have been devastated by road closures and lack of access to drinking water; and the militarised policing of mining sites has led to injuries and fatalities.