Author Archives: Zainab

RDC : Justice doit être rendue à toutes les victimes des crimes de Glencore Déclaration de Transparency International, RAID et CAJJ

RDC : Justice doit être rendue à toutes les victimes des crimes de Glencore

Déclaration de Transparency International, RAID et CAJJ Trois groupes de lutte contre la corruption et de défense des droits de l’homme ont exhorté le ministère américain de la Justice à payer des indemnités aux anciens employés du secteur de la santé en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) ayant subi un préjudice personnel et financier à

DRC cobalt copper mine worker where workers are paid below the poverty line

DR Congo: Mine workers labouring for the energy transition are trapped in exploitative low wage system

Mining companies gathering at DRC Mining Week should commit to paying a living wage Tens of thousands of cobalt and copper mine workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) labouring for the green energy transition are trapped in an exploitative low wage system which fails to meet their basic needs and keeps them well

RAID DRC Cobalt Mine Worker Uniform

RD Congo : Les travailleurs des mines sont piégés dans un système de bas salaires qui les exploite

Les sociétés minières qui se réunissent à la DRC Mining Week devraient s’engager à verser un salaire de subsistance aux travailleurs des mines Des dizaines de milliers de travailleurs des mines de cobalt et de cuivre en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) qui jouent un rôle important dans la transition énergétique verte sont piégés dans

Kabwe Zambia Lead Poisoning Judgment South Africa

Kabwe Community Denied Justice in Lead Poisoning Case Against Mining Giant Anglo American

A South African court has stopped a historic class action of 140,000 women and children from proceeding after the Zambian community came forward to seek redress for decades of lead contamination.   “This decision compounds a historic wrong, not yet remedied. Thousands of children suffering from lead poisoning will continue to have life-limiting futures. Families

SFO drops ENRC case 2023

RAID statement following the UK SFO announcement to close the corruption investigation into mining giant ENRC 

Statement by UK corporate watchdog RAID On 24 August, the UK’s top anti-corruption agency, the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), announced it had decided to drop its ten-year investigation into Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation (ENRC) due to “insufficient admissible evidence to prosecute”. ENRC had been under investigation for corruption and bribery centred on suspected bribes for cobalt and

RAID Response to Barrick Gold Annual Sustainability Update 2023

RAID response to inaccurate statements by Barrick Gold

On 25 July 2023, Barrick published its Annual Sustainability Update, which included a PowerPoint and video presentation by Barrick’s management. The presentation included several inaccuracies regarding RAID’s research and reporting on the human rights situation at Barrick’s North Mara gold mine in Tanzania. The company’s continued attacks on RAID are an unfortunate distraction from the