Author Archives: non_profit

Les habitants de RDC se font connaître au SFO comme victimes potentielles dans leur enquête sur ENRC

Aujourd’hui, un premier groupe de 16 habitants de la République démocratique du Congo s’est manifesté comme victimes potentielles dans l’enquête pour corruption du Serious Fraud Office (SFO, service de répression des fraudes graves britannique) sur la compagnie minière multinationale kazakhe, Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation (ENRC). L’ONG de surveillance de la responsabilité des sociétés britannique, RAID, a déclaré qu’elle s’attend à ce que d’autres se joignent à eux.

Applause for the SFO on Glencore probe, but what progress on ENRC?

Last week’s announcement by the UK Serious Fraud Office (SFO) that it is investigating suspected bribery at international commodity and mining giant Glencore Ltd and its associates has elated anti-corruption campaigners. Today, on International Anti-Corruption Day, is a moment to welcome this bold move by the SFO which follows concerns expressed for years by civil society groups about Glencore’s conduct in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

When Will Bristow Address the Human Rights Issues at Tanzanian Gold Mine?

Mark Bristow, CEO of the world’s largest gold miner, Canadian company Barrick Gold, has finally secured one of the mines he has long coveted. Bristow has been lauded for orchestrating Barrick’s takeover last month of London-listed Acacia Mining plc, which ensures direct control over Acacia’s prized North Mara gold mine. Yet Bristow’s challenges in Tanzania are only just beginning. How he will resolve the toxic combination of serious human rights abuses and deep discord with North Mara’s local communities will be the real test of his leadership.

DR Congo: The Forgotten Victims of Dan Gertler’s Corruption

Ten years ago, 700 workers at the Kingamyambo Musonoi Tailings (KMT) mine in Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of Congo, were ordered to stop their work. They downed their tools, stopping trucks in the middle of the road and leaving pipes half cut, and gathered at the gate.  A company official addressed the confused crowd telling them the cobalt and copper mine was being forced to close. The Congolese government had unlawfully stripped First Quantum Minerals, a Canadian company which owned the mine, of its license. The workers no longer had jobs.

Do companies outsource the dirty work of imposing security?

In June and July soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo marched on two of the country’s main copper and cobalt mines – China Molybdenum’s Tenke Fungurume and Glencore’s Kamoto Copper Concession. Their objective was to remove large numbers of artisanal miners who had entered the mining concessions to protest against the government’s failure to provide regulated artisanal mining zones where the miners could work.

RAID Responds to Acacia Mining

On 26 June 2019, Acacia Mining Plc issued a press release in response to articles published by the Guardian and other Forbidden Stories journalists on the human rights situation at Acacia’s North Mara gold mine in Tanzania. Acacia asserts that these articles are ‘misleading’ which it partly attributes to publications by RAID. We take this opportunity to address Acacia’s inaccurate response.

UK Supreme Court Hears Landmark Case on Corporate Rights Violations

On 15 and 16 January 2019, the UK Supreme Court will hear a case of crucial importance for victims of corporate human rights violations. The case, Vedanta Resources Plc and Another v Lungowe and others, is brought by leading human rights law firm Leigh Day on behalf of over 1,800 Zambian citizens who say Vedanta Resources, a UK company, and its Zambian subsidiary, Konkola Copper Mines Plc (“KCM”), polluted local water sources causing damage to their land and livelihoods.