Maitre Celine Afrewatch

Our tribute to Maître Céline TSHIZENA TSHINATE from AFREWATCH

The RAID team expresses its deepest condolences to AFREWATCH and the family and friends of Maître Céline TSHIZENA TSHINATE on her sudden passing. We are saddened by the tragic loss of the esteemed and cherished Advocacy Director of our long-term Congolese partner, AFREWATCH, who was also our respected colleague within the coalition Le Congo n’est pas à Vendre (Congo is Not for Sale or CNPAV).

We had the pleasure and privilege of knowing and working closely with Maître Céline on a number of projects, most recently focusing on environmental pollution around the Democratic Republic of Congo’s industrial copper-cobalt mines. To us, she was more than just a dedicated professional; she grew to be a dear friend.

Maître Céline was a passionate advocate for human rights, standing firmly alongside local Congolese communities in their fight against corporate wrongdoing. She was known for her courage, her passion and her professionalism. Her legacy of contributions to human rights and corporate accountability will continue to inspire many.

During this difficult time, the RAID team extends its heartfelt thoughts to the AFREWATCH team. We are proud to have worked with AFREWATCH for many years and will support our colleagues in any way we can. We also offer our most sincere sympathies to all who had the chance and honour to cross Maître Céline’s path.

Maître Céline’s wake will be held on 29th August, with her burial ceremony to follow on 30th August at the River of Angels Cemetery (Le Cimetière Rivière des Anges, Kasangiri) in Lubumbashi.

Rest in peace, Maître Céline.