Class Action in Quebec: Next Step Significant in Holding Anvil Mining to Account

29 April 2011

Press Release

Canadian Association Against Impunity (CAAI) statement regarding the ruling of the Superior Court of Quebec

The Superior Court of Quebec has ruled today that the case against Canadian corporation Anvil Mining Limited in relation to alleged involvement in a 2004 massacre in the Democratic Republic of Congo can proceed to the next stage.

The class action against Anvil Mining was filed in the District of Montreal on 8 November 2010 by The Canadian Association against Impunity, an organization representing survivors and families of victims of the Kilwa massacre. Anvil Mining is accused of providing logistical support to the Congolese army who raped, murdered and brutalised the people of Kilwa in a massacre in 2004. According to the United Nations, over 70 civilians died as a direct result of the military action, including some who were executed and thrown in mass graves.

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